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If the bird species which you keep are not keen on eating eggfood, soaked seed, or fruits and vegetables, then supplementing them with vitamins and minerals via the drinking water is the route to follow. Typically this group includes Gouldian finches, budgerigars and many other finches outside the breeding season.

Putting supplements onto dry seed is not effective, as firstly it all tends to fall through to the bottom of the bowl and secondly, most birds husk their seed leaving the husks. Of course any supplements not at the bottom of the bowl will be stuck to the husk. Either way, the bird won’t consume the supplement and you are wasting your money!

By comparison, all birds will drink at some time (unless they are really sick), so supplements mixed into the drinking water will be consumed.  Daily Essentials2 is a concentrated comprehensive blend of quality vitamins and minerals designed to be added to drinking water on a daily basis. It is ideal for supplementing large collections of birds who are just consuming a dry seed mixture.  It dissolves fully, so the ingredients are mixed throughout the water. Obviously if the ingredients won’t dissolve and sit at the bottom of the drinker, the birds won’t benefit when they drink water from the top.

Key Features: a cost effective way of providing vitamins and minerals for larger collections of birds consuming just a dry seed mixture. Promotes good health and condition all year


Daily Essentials2 application: 5g to 5 litres (8.5 pints) water.
Active ingredients: Vitamins A, D3, E, K, B12, C. Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Riboflavin, Thiamine, Pyridoxine, Folic acid, Choline Bitatrate and Biotin.
Active ingredients continued: Minerals include magnesium, Zinc, sulphur, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, selenium and iodine.

100g, 300g


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